If you have questions about Tustin foreclosures you're in the right spot. As a Tustin real estate specialist, Bob O'Brien can help you with all kinds of Tustin homes - short sales, bank owned foreclosures, corporate sales, and normal equity sales.
Sign up for Tustin, Ca foreclosure lists
Are you looking to buy a Tustin foreclosure property? You're in the right place - sign up for the updates above and you'll receive an email about any new Tustin foreclosure the day it comes on the market. This will give you an edge above others because foreclosures sell FAST!
What does it take to buy Tustin or Orange County foreclosures?
There are a few factors to consider when buying a foreclosure, it's not for everyone!
- Be prequalified and ready to write your offer. Most foreclosures in Orange County sell with multiple offers within 5 days of listing in the MLS. You'll need your proof of funds and loan approval ready to show the bank.
- Expect the bank to make their own rules. After signing the original California Residential Purchase agreement, the bank almost always wants to write a different contract with their terms. This is why you need a professional Realtor to assist you!!!
- Inspect, inspect, inspect. One of the terms the bank typically writes out of the contract is liability due to issues including damage or mold in the property. Its crucial you do your due diligence and have a thorough inspection so you know all the problems with the property you're about to buy.
Bob O'Brien
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